Any form of fire and open flame is prohibited in Nedre Romerike

Due to a high risk of forest fires, NRBR has imposed a local ban on any open fires outdoors in Lørenskog, Lillestrøm, Rælingen, Nittedal, Aurskog-Høland and Gjerdrum. The ban includes grills,barbecues, disposable grills, gas burners and other outdoor cooking appliances. This means that it is illegal to have a barbecue or light a campfire in the forest, on other open land, on the beach, by lakes or in parks. It is also illegal to use designated campfire or barbecues areas.

There is now a temporary regulation banning the use of all kinds of fire, including bonfires, campfires, barbecues and the use of all other form of fire and open flame in Rælingen, Lørenskog, Lillestrøm, Gjerdrum, Aurskog-Høland and Nittedal municipalities (i.e., Nedre Romerike). The ban also applies to parks, lake shores, cultivated land and pastures, meadows, designated campfire or barbecues areas, as well as forests.

The ban is in addition to the general campfire ban that comes into effect every year in all of Norway every year from 15 April to 15 September, where there is a ban on the use of fire in forests and fields.

The temporary regulation prohibits all kinds of use of open fire, such as campfires, using barbecues, camping stoves, campfire pans and all other cooking appliances fueled by gas, wood, coal, briquettes, grass, branches etc.

Landowners who have established designated places for camp fires / barbecues, either private or public, must close these.


No Midsummer bonfires are allowed in Nedre Romerike this year. All approved applications for Midsummer bonfires are therefore withdrawn by Nedre Romerike brann- og redningsvesen (NRBR).



The temporary regulation lasts until Thursday 29 June 2023, or until the risk of forest fires is significantly reduced and NRBR makes this known on website, social media and press releases.

When the ban is lifted, the general ban on campfires will still apply, which – as a general rule -  prohibits making fires in or near forests and other open fields. In addition to fires, this includes the use of disposable grills, campfire pans and other grilling devices.

Remember that wherever and whenever you are, you are always responsible when lighting a fire.

Anyone who intentionally or negligently violates the regulations may punished by a fine or imprisonment, see Fire and Explosion Protection Act.


You are allowed to barbecue in your own garden

NRBR specify that it is still allowed to barbecue in your own garden, schoolyards, car parks and sports fields, as long as these are not located close to forest and fields. But as always: Everyone must exercise caution when carrying out activities that could lead to a fire. You are always responsible for your own actions.


NRBR also ask businesses that are engaged in forestry, telecommunications, maintenance of roads and railway lines etc. to assess the risk and take measures to reduce the risk of fire.

Read more in Norwegian.




Møt oss 29. november i forbindelse med Røykvarslerdagen

28 november 2024

Flere hundre alvorlige bygningsbranner er antageligvis forhindret av alarmanlegg og røykvarslere på Nedre Romerike de siste årene. Søndag første desember er Røykvarslerdagen og NRBR oppfordrer alle til å sjekke at røykvarslerne hjemme fungerer og ikke er over 10 år.

Røykvarsler redder liv

26 november 2024

Eldre kvinne ble vekket av røykvarsler da kommoden i stua sto i full fyr. En nittedøl våknet av røykvarsler og oppdaget at taklampa i gangen brant. Brann i kjeller i borettslag ble oppdaget av røykvarslere før rømningsveien i trappeoppgangen ble fylt med røyk. Ektepar i Rælingen glemte mat på komfyren. Både de og brannvesenet fikk beskjed via alarmanlegg, og fikk forhindret at det utviklet seg. Dette er bare fire hendelser fra i år fra vårt distrikt. 

Pass på aske fra peis og ovm

19 november 2024

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